Ugggg Don't know why my blog candy is at the top of this post...should be lower with the candy post.
Well I've been tagged by MadeByMe!
I now need to list 7 facts about myself and then choose 7 people to tag. Ohhh this should be fun. *grin*
My seven facts:
1. Love online shopping....ok....any shopping.
2. I collect teapots. Right now I have at least 50 teapots not including the Christmas teapots.
3. Love to travel. Don't forget to check out my post below on going to Ireland/Blog Candy.
4. I'm the middle child of nine children.
5. I need my downtime....love being by myself.
6. Taught my self to crochet many, many years ago.
7. My all time favorite vacation spot is Cape Cod!
Now those who I am tagging are:
1. KardKrazy
2. INKventive Expressions
3. Pieces Of Me
4. A Love of Stamping
5. The Paper Boutique
6. look, I'm stamping!
7. Stampin' Away the Day
I hinted a few posts back that I was going to have some Blog Candy when details of my trip
were finalized. Well they are!!!!
I'm going to IRELAND!!! And yes I was yelling....LOL
This is a once in a lifetime trip for me...never thought I would ever
get to Ireland. Ireland Tour
I'll be going on the September 19th tour for 13 glorious days in Ireland!
I also received my passport this past Friday....never ever did I think it
would take 12 full weeks to receive. Glad I applied early. *grin*
Now onto the blog candy!
All you have to do is: 1. Post one fact about yourself. 2. Post something that you like about my blog. (OMGosh...what if no one posts a comment cause they can't think of something they like about my blog)
The winner will receive one sheet of O'So Sticky Tape and a bag of Glass Micro Beads from Penny Wise Arts. 6x6
scrapbook Designer Papers from K&Company....Hannah Paper Pad, two
sets of $1 clear acrylic stamps from "M", one $1 "M" stamp set, one
roll of "M' $1 ribbon.
I will keep this blog candy up for one week....will draw a winner next Monday May 7th.
Have fun!