Pink and red ribbon...a bit more than one yard of each. One pack of K&Company 6x6 Designer Papers...Hannah. And last but not least the Jan/Feb 2006 issue of Cards (The hottest trends in card making). This is an awesome book and I know there are a few SCS ladies cards.
Now you are probably asking yourself...What do I need to do for a chance to win this? Just leave a post to this thread and tell me what you do to make Valentine's Day special. This is open to all! That's it!
I will keep this open till next Sunday...January 20th. 6pm EST.
Don't forget to check out my niece's adorable knit hats on ebay!
Thanks for stopping by!
Well, I made a Hanna Stamps card that I'm (on my blog) that I'm going to give to my DH to invite him out to dinner and then we'll go see a movie he wants to see and not one that he's seeing 'cuz he knows I want to see it! It will be a fun night!
This is great! I was just checking the other blogs on the SCS tread and I come to this wonderful candy blog! Well, for valentine, I buy some flowers for my husband! Now I'm gonna see your niece's hats!
What a fabulous giveaway!!
We go someplace special for dinner and get each other our favorite chocolates.
Valentine's is no biggie here now that the kids are grown. I usually go to the gym and buy hubbie some m and m's and come home. He has never taken me out for that day ever.
Valentine's Day, I make a special dinner for my husband. Some years, we have our children and grandchildren over and barbecue out, depending on the weather due to living in Michigan.
What awesome blog candy you are giving away!
Thanks for the chance.
Linda Peterson
On Valentine's Day we set a pretty table and have a family meal. I put little gifts on everyones plate.
My DH and I will be celebrating (early) our 17th Anniversary in Cancun over Valentines week, so I will make him a card to bring along. For my daughters, I will alter a Target mailbox for each of them, stuff them with goodies and top it off with a beautiful V-card for them to receive while we are away. Thanks for the chance to win some blog bling!
My favorite thing to do on Valentines day is buy something special for my little grandkids and receive a hug & kiss in return:) My husband & I enjoy going to See's Candy and each hand picking our favorites to make up a box of chocolates. YUM!
What wonderful blog candy, thanks for sharing. Me and my dh usually go out for a romantic dinner together where we reminisce on our marriage, etc. Then we spend a nice night in together ;-)
Well this my seem corny but I started to like Valebtines again cause of my hubby, for our first Valentine he made sure that I felt very special. shhhh you can't tell but he still makes (trys)to make me heart shaped pancakes :)it always makes me smile
What fun blog candy!!! Pick me!! :) I spend Valentines with my hubby, we usually get each other something small and then go out for the evenning. Just something speacial and sweet! :) Thanks for the chance!
Nicole L.
I am planning to make special album this is will be first time make for my fiance) and tell him few reasom why I love about him...
thanks :):)
Great blog candy with the valentines day theme! DH and I usually go out to dinner...I usually put together a goodie basket for each of my girls, and send my grown son a card....
Thanks for the opportunity!
I love the goodies!! Valentine's Day hasn't been the same since my daughter was born! But this year, she is old enough that she can help make a special meal so it is waiting for Daddy when he gets home fom work!
Cheryl KVD
Count me in on this sweet candy you have! I can't resist candy and for sure can't if it is stamping related!(teehee)
We have a special dinner or go out to dinner. I make cards for the family and have a stuff animal with candy tied to balloons for the girls and DH get CHOCOLATE!
Thanks for a chance.
We get a movie and make a special dinner and cuddle lots! :)
Well this valentine's I'm sadly single. So my best thing would be to get some single girlfriends and have a blast and try to snag a nice dude to spend the next valentine's with!
Thanks for the treats!
Well this Valentine's unfortunately I have no stamp supplies because we just moved to Germany (military). I can't make my kids any cards but I do plan on getting them some goodies and making their favorite meal for dinner.
just a card for dear hubby that's it.
We usually all go out for supper and a movie !!! We all have a great time !!
i normaly surprise OH with a card which i leave in his car the night before, when he gets home from work i might sure we have the house to ourselfs! and i run him a nice bath, order his fav takeaway - Curry( YUK! i cant stand the smell!) we curl up on sofa and watch a film together spend some quailty time together on our own ( Makes a change being in a house with 4 other people) also i normal make him a little pressie, last year i made him a picture frame with picture me in which he has @ work on his desk.
i make my family heart shaped waffles for breakfast with lots of powdered sugar and mini chocolate chips!! then my youngest girls and i make a cake and decorate it for Valentine's day and make a few Valentine's for Daddy!! i love it!
I am single, so I don't usually do anything. Last year I made my first V-Day cards ever, just for a couple of close girlfriends, and my mom. I'll probably treat myself to some chocolate though LOL. :) Happy Day.
Here another single, so nothing special on valentines day. I might do something with my mom, since my father isn't a romanticus. We might go shopping and eat something special.
my husband and i started a valentine's tradition when we were dating. we decided to celebrate valentine's day a day early and always go to a different steakhouse (i LOVE a good steak). we've found some very yummy ones! :)
thanks for the chance to win.
For valentines day DH and I always pick up a Dairy Queen ice cream cake (a big one so it lasts us over a month). Usually we watch movies and such. :) It all started our first V-Day... he didn't have a couch so we filled an air mattress and folded it against the wall as a couch, had DQ cake and chinese take out. Was lots of fun! But I don't do chinese food in the town we live in now (it's all pretty nasty)
Love the giveaway!
I love reading your blog, such great projects on it.
Each year I decorate and fill treat bags with candy for my husband and 2 sons and make each one a special valentine card. Then while they are all sleeping I sneak into the kitchen and put them at their spot at the kitchen table. I love to watch them going through their treats while I fix them all breakfast.
Hubby works away thru the week. I make a special card and mail it to him. We send each other an ebouquet. What an awesome giveaway, so generous of you.
Joyce Traub
Our anniversary is the day before Valentine's Day (we thought we were so cool...we're so not!) so we have to separate the two. This year, we're combining the two because it's our 10 yr anniversary. We're going to Disneyland for 3 days WITHOUT our kids. How mean are we? Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Hi! I have small mailboxes for my daughters (one for me and my DH too) and starting Feb 1 we all put little "love notes" in them for one another each day until Valentine's Day. Sometimes we put in notes or candy/special treats. It is fun to open them up each night before bedtime and see what we got from one another. The girls really enjoy it. They especially love decorating their own "love notes" to each other and to us. What wonderful blog candy! Thank you for the offer!
Barb M.
Well, nothing really special. I make a special card for him, and we go out for dinner! Great giveaway, thanks for the chance to win.
Great candy! This year for Valentine's I'm hoping to put together a photo collage of our kids...and have the kids add their handprints and handwriting on it. That's the hope...but we'll see if I actually find the time to get it together!
Well, We usually do not do much for Valentine's Day. But this year I am going to surprise hubby. I am going to make some heart shaped peanut butter cups and nice card. I am not sure what else, I guess I better figure it out fast!
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