I need to ask a huge favor and ask if anyone has any box tops from General Mills products would you please send them onto me? My email is right under my picture and I will send you my home addy. I will send all General Mills box tops onto Debbie. Here is the email she has sent out to the family and she asked me to post on my blog.
"Hi Everyone,
After everything that Ken and I have been through with the liver transplant and now almost 2 years later it is rejecting. We are still paying for the last transplant now it looks like there will be another one soon. I don't mean to sound pathetic but if you have any box tops (from General Mill products) laying around and not using them for your local schools please send them to me. On ebay, my home away from home, if you have 500 box tops they auction for about $80. I know it's not a ton but it's something to help pay for this. If your not interested I totally understand."
We'd also appreciate some prayers.
If you'd like to check out Debbie's ebay store:
Debbie's Ebay Store
Thanks so much!!!

Do you mean those box tops for education-the little red and white tags I find on stuff? I have some but just sent a bunch to a church in Florida. Let me know. I may have about 20 or so.
Hi Jan ~ Yes those are the box tops Debbie needs. Sent you an email.
Thanks so much!!!
I don't think I have any but will ask around
Nancy...I'll see what I have. My kids aren't school age yet so those things tend to just go in the recycle box. I'll do a little digging and get back to you.
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